Preparing Your Home for Sale: Must-Do’s, Should-Do’s, & Could-Do’s

Preparing Your Home for Sale: Must-Do’s, Should-Do’s, & Could-Do’s

The Ultimate Preparing Your Home for Sale Checklist

If you’re putting your home on the market, it’s safe to assume that you have two goals in mind: selling it as fast as possible and for the best price. However, in order to accomplish these goals, you’ll need to put in the hard work upfront to ensure your house is prepped and ready to be sold.
While you might have a general idea of what it takes to prepare your home for sale, it can be difficult to fully grasp everything that needs to be done — especially for first-time sellers. To help, we’ve put together the ultimate “preparing your home for sale” checklist. Keep reading to discover the must-do’s, should-do’s, and could-do’s to keep in mind before selling your home.

The Must-Do’s When Preparing Your Home for Sale

Although every home may be different, there are still some must-dos that you should always complete before putting your house on the market. Below are four of the most common tasks that should be on your “preparing your home for sale” checklist. 

Declutter, Depersonalize, and Deep Clean

While it is normal for clutter to accumulate after years of living in your home, potential buyers want to see a property that is as clean and tidy as possible. As you begin prepping your home for sale, it is essential to remember the three D’s: declutter, depersonalize, and deep clean. 
First, take the time to declutter your space and either donate, toss, or store anything you’re no longer using. This is also an excellent time to depersonalize your home by removing any belongings, decorations, or photos that could distract buyers from seeing the place as their own. 
Once you’ve decluttered and depersonalized your house, the last thing you’ll need to do is make sure everything is thoroughly cleaned. Cleanliness implies that a property has been well cared for, so a spotless home can do wonders for your chances of selling. 

Conduct Major Repairs

It is crucial to take care of any major repairs before putting your home on the market. After all, unless a potential buyer is specifically looking for a fixer-upper, they’re going to want a home that is as move-in ready as possible. Therefore, you’ll want to fix any damages that could scare potential buyers away or result in a lower appraisal value if they’re not resolved. Common issues that arise during home inspections involve a property’s plumbing, HVAC units, roof, foundation, or safety features. However, no two houses are alike — so it is essential to consult with your real estate agent before moving forward with any significant repairs or renovations.

Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal

They say it’s what’s on the inside that counts — but when it comes to selling your home, the outside is just as important. The first thing potential buyers will notice about your house is its exterior appearance, otherwise known as its curb appeal. To ensure that potential buyers have a positive first impression of your home, it is crucial to make sure the outside is just as beautiful as the inside. Here are some ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal:
  • Mow the lawn and trim any trees or bushes.
  • Add colorful plants and flowers in bare areas.
  • Remove any cobwebs, nests, or weeds.
  • Place a fresh layer of mulch.
  • Pressure wash your driveway.
  • Clean gutters, windows, patio furniture, etc.
  • Replace your welcome mat with a new one.
  • Apply a fresh coat of paint to your front door.
Learn More: 7 Landscaping Trends That Increase the Value of Your Home

Stage Your Space

Appearance is everything when selling your home — and staging can make all the difference! In fact, according to the National Association of REALTORS®, staged homes sell 73% faster than homes that aren’t staged. While there are many different ways to stage your space, one of the easiest things you can do is make sure it is as clean and tidy as possible.
To achieve this, you should clear off your countertops, properly make your beds, take out the trash, and store away any personal items before open houses or showings. If you want to go above and beyond, consider setting your table, adding fresh flowers or fruit as decor, and rearranging furniture to open up a room. When you work with The Redbud Group, we offer professional staging services to help buyers envision themselves in your home — and ultimately help you sell your house fast!

The Should-Do’s When Preparing Your Home for Sale

These items may not be “must-dos,” but they are still an important part of the pre-listing process. Here are two things you should do when preparing your home for sale.

Repaint Your Walls

The key to selling your home is making your space as neutral as possible. After all, once you decide to sell your home, it is no longer yours — it is someone else’s. When a buyer steps into your house, they need to be able to envision it as their own. One way to accomplish this is by repainting your walls in neutral shades, as unconventional colors can potentially be distracting or off-putting for some buyers. Plus, a fresh coat of paint can refresh your home, giving the illusion that it is in pristine condition.

Neutralize Foul Odors

It is important to consider all five senses when preparing your home for sale. In fact, one of the first things a buyer will notice when they enter your home is how it smells. While your initial thought may be to fill your space with candles, air fresheners, and other scents, this is not the best way to deodorize your home. After all, while you don’t want your house to be filled with foul odors, you don’t want it to be filled with an abundance of artificial scents, either. The best smell for your home is a clean, neutral scent. This can be accomplished by deep cleaning your house, leaving the windows open, and lightly spraying a lemon-scented air freshener in each room.

The Could-Do’s When Preparing Your Home for Sale

When it comes to selling your home, the little things can make all the difference. It may not be a necessity, but you should still consider checking these items off your to-do list if they are within your budget and fit your circumstances.

Make Certain Renovations

Many people believe that you have to renovate your home before selling; however, this is not always the case. Especially in today’s market, sellers don’t necessarily have to pay for repairs or renovations in order to sell their house. While there are important selling points of a home that are more important than others — such as a kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom — cleaning and staging can typically do the trick without needing renovations. Whether or not you need to renovate your home varies depending on your timeframe, goals, and the overall condition of your property. Therefore, it is crucial to speak with your real estate agent to see which renovations will increase your home’s resale value.

Refresh Your Flooring

Similar to renovations, this is another item on the “preparing your home for sale” checklist that varies on a case-by-case basis. Floors are one of the first things in a home that start to show wear and tear. In some cases, a professional cleaning might be enough to remove unsightly stains or foul odors, leaving your carpets and floors looking brand-new. However, if this doesn’t get the job done, then you may need to consider replacing the carpet or refinishing hardwood floors — especially in high-traffic areas of your home. 

Getting Your Home Ready for Sale With The Redbud Group

When it comes to preparing your home for sale, one of the best things you can do is get advice from an experienced REALTOR®. At the end of the day, the key to preparing your home for sale is knowing what potential buyers are looking for in their future home — and no one knows your city’s unique market conditions better than a local real estate agent!
When you work with The Redbud Group, your real estate agent will guide you through the entire process, advising you on the must-do’s, should-do’s, and could-do’s of preparing your home for sale. But that’s not all — we’ll also connect you with local cleaners, stagers, contractors, and more to help your home get prepped and ready to be sold. Click the button below to contact us and get started!
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At Redbud Group, we understand that the home buying & selling process can be stressful. You want to make sure you are making the right move and getting the best price for your home. As always, we are here to help you take those first steps to buying or selling a home! Check out our home buying & selling tips and resources for in-depth information about the home buying & selling process.

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