7 Benefits of Hiring a REALTOR® to Sell Your Home

7 Benefits of Hiring a REALTOR® to Sell Your Home

Navigating the Home Selling Process With a Real Estate Agent

Before you put your home on the market, you’ll likely go back and forth between whether or not you should sell it yourself or hire a real estate agent.
Home sellers who choose to go the “For Sale By Owner” (FSBO) route often end up realizing they bite off more than they can chew. Between negotiating with buyers, endless paperwork, and a lack of industry experience, the home-selling process can quickly get overwhelming. And if that isn’t enough to make you want to call a real estate agent, FSBOs are also proven to sell for significantly less than agent-assisted homes.  
When you decide to sell your home using a real estate agent, you get the industry experience and time-saving benefits they provide. If you’re considering listing your home, you’ll want a real estate agent by your side. Here are seven reasons why. 

7 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Agent to Sell Your Home

There are multiple benefits of having a real estate agent to help you sell your home. These trained professionals can easily guide you through the entire process, so selling your home can be one less thing you have to worry about.

1. Real Estate Agent Have Valuable Industry Expertise

When you hire a real estate agent, you’re not just hiring someone to sell your home. An agent brings valuable industry expertise and education, which is something you simply can’t go without when selling your home. 
If you were to sell your home on your own, it would take you weeks, if not months, to learn the ins and outs of selling real estate — and even then you wouldn’t know it all! An agent has years of experience and education, which is one of the most significant benefits of having a real estate agent when selling your home!

2. A Real Estate Agent Can Get You Top Dollar For Your Investment

Many people think they’ll end up saving money by selling their own home — but this isn’t usually the case. You’re more likely to receive higher bids and save on other costs while working with an agent. Real estate agent know the market, so they can recommend a pricing strategy that will provide ROI in today’s market, share their staging expertise, and help you price your home just right. You don’t have this advice at your disposal when you sell your own home, which could prevent you from receiving the right offer. 
A real estate agent’s market and home selling experience will allow you to get the best return on your investment — money you will perhaps be putting towards your new home! Plus, a real estate agent doesn’t make a commission unless your home sells, so you have nothing to lose.

3. A Real Estate Agent Will Handle All Of the Paperwork

Whether you’re selling or buying, the amount of paperwork involved in a real estate transaction is enough to make your head spin. Thankfully, when you hire a real estate agent you have someone willing to take care of all that for you. Not only is paperwork time-consuming, but it also needs to be executed flawlessly. Without an agent, you may accidentally make a mistake, which could cost even more time and money down the road.

4. A Real Estate Agent Acts As an Intermediary Between You and Other Parties

Selling your home is stressful enough. But once you add in multiple phone calls and emails from potential buyers, the process gets even more overwhelming. A real estate agent will be a much-needed barrier between you and prospective buyers. They’ll be able to field questions, emails, and calls, thus saving you the headache of having to interact with buyers yourself. 
When you do find a buyer, your real estate agent will become even more valuable. You’ll want someone to handle the negotiations and communication between parties — and your agent will do just that! real estate agents know how to quickly and directly handle communication between buyers and sellers. This will take the stress off of both parties and allow you to focus on other pre-sale to-dos around your home.

5. A Real Estate Agent Will Help Your Home Gain Greater Exposure

In an FSBO, it’s difficult to make sure your home is gaining the exposure it needs. A real estate agent, on the other hand, can post your home on a Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Homeowners don’t have access to this resource, and this perk can give your home all the visibility it needs. 
Here at the Redbud Group, we are proud to partner with notable platforms across the Carolinas to showcase our clients’ homes. We also have an in-house marketing team dedicated to leveraging partnerships and platforms to increase the visibility of our listings. Because of this advertising, your home will reach more potential buyers, and (hopefully) result in a speedier sale.

6. A Real Estate Agent Brings So Much To the Closing Process

Once the selling process is complete, there may still be lingering questions or last-minute problems that only a real estate agent knows how to handle. Sometimes, you or the buyer may forget to ask a specific question during the closing process, or an outside agency may have mixed up your paperwork. These issues can be quickly fixed with one call to your real estate agent. 
When you invest in an agent, you’re investing in someone who truly cares about you and your home — even after the sale is complete. They will be able to answer any of your home-selling questions, granting you (and your buyer!) peace of mind.

7. You’ll Develop a Lasting Relationship With Your Real Estate Agent

When you choose the right real estate agent, you are developing a professional relationship that may potentially last for years to come. If you were to ever sell again in the future, you would have someone you can trust to get the job done. In addition to being real estate experts, real estate agents are also networking professionals. Every real estate agent has their own set of connections, so you will be able to utilize their network and ask for recommendations in regards to your home, community, and more. 

Choose a Real Estate Agent You Can Trust to Sell Your Home

Now that you understand the benefits of hiring a real estate agent, it’s time to choose one you can trust to sell your home and who will advocate for your best interest. When you’re looking for an agent, look no further than our team at the Redbud Group.
We specialize in home selling and buying across the Carolinas, so we can help guide you seamlessly through the entire process. We promise to do our absolute best to make sure you’re confident, comfortable, and stress-free while selling your home.

Contact us to set up a consultation and learn how the Redbud Group can benefit you!

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At Redbud Group, we understand that the home buying & selling process can be stressful. You want to make sure you are making the right move and getting the best price for your home. As always, we are here to help you take those first steps to buying or selling a home! Check out our home buying & selling tips and resources for in-depth information about the home buying & selling process.

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