Why You Should Talk to a REALTOR® Before Doing Renovations

Why You Should Talk to a REALTOR® Before Doing Renovations

Conversation Before Renovation: 5 Reasons to Consult an Agent

Making renovations to your home before you sell it may seem counterintuitive, but it could be the reason your home sells for a higher price than you expected — or is it? Sometimes, making renovations to your home will end up costing you more money without providing real value to your home, thus not producing a return on your investment. This is why it’s so important to consult with your real estate agent before making any major renovations to your home!

If you’re debating on renovating your home before selling, it can be difficult to decide which renovations are worth the expense, and which ones will end up just being a money pit. Continue reading to discover five reasons why you should always consult with your real estate agent before starting any home renovations.

Why Renovate if You’re Going to Sell?

Homeowners will make renovations before they sell for several reasons. The most obvious is a heftier price tag on the home. When you choose the right type of renovation project, your home value can increase and attract more potential buyers. However, it’s important that you only make necessary renovations, as unnecessary construction can be detrimental when it comes time to put your home on the market.

Since some buyers want a “fixer-upper” type of home, and others want one that is move-in ready, it can be hard to tell what renovations are worth it, and which ones are going to put a hefty dent in your bank account. Thankfully, your trusted real estate agent can be your guide and help you make all the important decisions. After all, they are the most familiar with the type of renovations that help sell your home quicker, and for a higher price.

5 Reasons Why You Should Talk to a Real Estate Agent Before Renovating 

Consulting with your real estate agent before making renovations to your home is crucial — as they can give their expert opinion on whether certain renovations are necessary. Let’s dig deeper into five reasons why you should always talk to your real estate agent before you begin any home renovations. 

Related7 Benefits of Hiring a REALTOR® to Sell Your Home

1. Help Avoid Expensive Risks

Unfortunately, most renovations don’t result in a full return on investment — as some renovations are more likely to raise the value of your home than others. For example, new kitchen appliances or an additional bathroom are typically great selling points on homes. However, renovations like a new roof or trim may not be necessary to have a quick, and profitable sale.

Your real estate agent will be there for you to address any potential renovation you want to do and let you know if it is going to be worth the money or not. After all, your agent knows the competition in your neighborhood, and buyers in your area like no other — so they can provide an expert opinion.

2. Real Estate Agents Have Quality Connections

If you’ve got big renovation plans, finding a reputable contractor can prove to be quite a challenge. The good thing is that your real estate agent will likely already have connections with contractors in your community. Whether you need a carpenter, painter, plumber, or electrician, your agent will be able to connect you with someone who will deliver quality work for a fair price. 

3. Your Home May Not Need Upgrades

Though you may think certain upgrades are necessary for your home to sell well, your real estate agent may take a look around and realize that it’s perfect to sell as-is. Your agent will know exactly what buyers are looking for in your neighborhood and will be your guide when it comes to renovating your home for sale.

Additionally, your agent will be able to help you avoid spending money on renovations that won’t produce a return on your investment when it comes time to sell. Depending on what market you’re selling in, you may not need to renovate anything to attract potential buyers.

4. Your Agent Can Show You Examples of Other Homes

Your agent will have a wealth of knowledge to share with you when it comes to preparing your home for sale and will know exactly what renovations to do to raise your home’s value. Because of this, they can easily show you examples of renovations done by local sellers, and explain how those renovations influenced the final sale price of the home(s).

5. Prevent Diminishing the Value of Your Home

When renovating your home for sale, you not only want to avoid making unnecessary, costly, renovations, but you also want to avoid decreasing the value of your home altogether. Consulting with your real estate agent before you decide to make any major renovations can help you avoid this. Your agent will know what renovations will increase your home’s value, and which ones will do the opposite — helping you avoid a major decrease in value.

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Consult Renovations with an Agent From The Redbud Group

Now that you understand the importance of consulting with a real estate agent before doing home renovations, it’s time to choose one that you can trust to help you prepare your home for sale. When you’re looking for an agent, look no further than our team at The Redbud Group. As experienced agents, we’ve seen the difference renovations can make when it comes to the final sale price, and length of time it takes to sell your home.

Contact a Redbud Group REALTORS® to learn more about how we can help you increase your home value and sell your home promptly.
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